Monday, November 7, 2016

Our Premium Pastured pork

We are very thankful for the nice weather we are still having this first week of November 2016!!! We are adding on to our breeding pigs fenced area, so we will have 8 separate rotational grazing areas; plus 4 large pens for farrowing, sorting, & selling. It is wonderful to have weather warm enough to take your jacket off while working!

I love looking out the kitchen window and seeing happy pigs with tails wagging, on fresh green pasture!!

We have already started a "waiting list" for next spring. We will not take deposits until piglets are 2-3 weeks old; but will go in the order of the list when we do. So, let us know if you want your name added.

We do NOT clip teeth or dock tails. We DO give one iron shot at 2-3 days old. I am still researching on the whole "castration" of males thing. After losing one little barrow to Tetanus 2 weeks after he was castrated; I am thinking there has to be a better way. Most other countries have banned the practice. I have read that if the males are butchered at 6 months or less; there is no "boar taint". Some say that boar taint is genetic and can be bred out of the line. Others say that if the boars are kept completely separate from the females for 30 days....there will be no boar taint. And that this even works on older boars headed for slaughter.
 This is something that we will have to personally test (eat) before we make final decisions which way to go. That will take a couple of years, and several pigs at different ages to learn what "our herd" does. In the meantime, our options are to continue castrating as humanely as possible; or sell in tact and let buyers take them to a vet, or do it themselves. As always, we want to do what is best for both our pigs AND our customers.

Only 17 days until Thanksgiving!! Enjoy your turkey (AND Ham, and stuffing with Sausage, and of course  Bacon has to be "in or on" something!! Don't forget to have everyone say at least one thing they are thankful for. (Hint: Do this well before the meal serving time. In large family gatherings, it takes too long to "get around the circle". The food is getting cold and everyone is rushing to get through, rather than truly reflecting on their thankfulness.) Be BLESSED!

Ron and Brenda